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I've just received a newsletter from a shop with (text in brackets mine):

“Now is the time to stock up on [fancy] embroidery floss for long winter evenings spent with a needle in hand.”

and doesn't it feel very post easily available artificial lightning?

#embroidery #historicalCrafts

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Ho appena ricevuto la newsletter di un negozio che diceva (traduzione e testo tra parentesi miei:

“Adesso è il momento di fare scorte di filo da ricamo [fighetto] per le lunghe sere d'inverno passate con l'ago in mano”

e quanto non da una sensazione di vivere in un epoca in cui la luce artificiale è comodamente a disposizione?

#ricamo #artigianatoStorico

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And today I'm wearing my vaccination shirt, because of course I have a vaccination shirt, doesn't everybody? It's a pirate shirt with sleeves that are long, but also wide enough (and lightweight enough) to be rolled up to the shoulder to give easy access to the upper arm.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

E oggi sto indossando la mia camicia da vaccinazioni. Tutti hanno una camicia da vaccinazioni, vero? (è una camicia in stile pittore e le maniche lunghe sono abbastanza ampie (e di stoffa abbastanza leggera) da arrotolarsi facilmente fino alla spalla, per dare accesso facile al braccio.)

Modern XMPP Server

Posted on December 1, 2023
Just a quick mention that I’ve updated my instructions on how I configured my XMPP serverto its current status under Debian Bookworm.

And yes, it took me just a bit of time, we release when we’re ready here :D

TIL that dogs, cats and rabbits can visit most people in some nearby hospitals, as long as they have a vet certificate and permission is asked two working days in advance.

(source and the full details in Italian: )

Now, what I was looking for on the hospital website was where the covid and flu vaccines are being done, and they don't seem to tell, but LOOK! KITTENS!

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

TIL che cani, gatti e conigli possono visitare la maggior parte dei pazienti in alcuni ospedali, purché ci sia un certificato del veterinario e si chieda l'autorizzazione due giorni lavorativi prima.

Ora, io ero sul sito dell'ospedale a cercare dove sia il centro vaccinale per i vaccini covid / influenza, e non sembra che lo dicano, ma GATTINI!

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TIL: using an hot air station (the soldering kind) to heat #sealingWax works just fine, is not messy, doesn't require a table mostly free of burnable material, and can also help fixing mishaps like not having left enough wax on the paper by reheating it.

using an open flame is still much better for the whole ritual of sealing #letters, however.

but it's nice knowing that I have the two options.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

TIL: usare una stazione ad aria calda (quelle per saldare elettronica) per scaldare la #ceralacca funziona, non fa casini in giro, non richiede un tavolo libero da materiale infiammabile e aiuta anche nel caso in cui non si sia messa abbastanza ceralacca sulla carta, dato che permette di riscaldarla.

usare una fiamma però funziona molto meglio per l'esperienza del rituale di chiusura delle #lettere, però.

ma è bello sapere di avere entrambe le opzioni.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

quando ci ho provato io è finita con una adesione pessima e il foglio dentro con una macchia (unto? caldo?). Hai seguito qualche guida o è solo questione di esperienza?
in reply to zarel

@zarel uhm, no, ci ho provato così, nel modo ignorante.

solo fortuna? potrebbe

farò qualche altra prova in futuro. (questa volta la stazione era impostata sui 120°C, magari è quello che influisce)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

oof son passati davvero tanti anni, ora che ci penso può essere che fosse un po' umido quei giorni
in reply to zarel

@zarel ah, era cera sul bastoncino o quella in grani da sciogliere nel cucchiaio apposta?

la mia era bastoncino

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

classico bastoncino rosso cardinale! Credo proprio che il mistero rimarrà irrisolto perché è passato molto tempo e non ricordo bene :blob_grinning_sweat:
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

ho visto questa qualche giorno fa e - con letteralmente nessuna ragione MAI per sigillare lettere - sono stato tentato di comprarla immediatamente. Il ricordo dell'odore della ceralacca mi è caro.

in reply to pgcd

@pgcd fatto bene a non comprarla, quella è fondamentalmente colla a caldo, molto meglio la ceralacca originale :D

nessuna ragione per sigillare lettere? una qualche scusa si trova, no? basta un po' di impegno :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

_credo_ (senza prove) che i cilindri siano di ceralacca o qualcosa di molto simile, almeno all'aspetto. La tentazione però era scollegata e più dovuta al fatto che sono un cartolerista compulsivo =)

Trovare scuse, invece, non sarebbe un grosso problema se almeno scrivessi una lettera ogni anno, ecco...

in reply to pgcd

@pgcd conosci InCoWriMo? è una scusa per mandare ben 28 lettere (quest'anno 29), così, senza avere particolare motivo per farlo :D

(ma sì, ammetto che ultimamente inviare lettere non è proprio tra le priorità più alte della maggior parte delle persone)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

non conoscevo, ti ringrazio per l'informazione - sarà preziosa quando dovrò giustificare un raptus consumistico in quel negozio di cartoleria e affini =)
Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Kermode my partner is looking around with (rightful) despair at the amount of crafting tools and supplies that are around the house :D

in my defense the hot air station is his, not mine. but when he mentioned wanting to buy it I went in full enabler mode and encouraged him, and planned to use it too :D

PDF planners 2024

Posted on November 22, 2023
A few years ago I wrote a bit of code to generate a custom printable planner, precisely to my taste. And then I showed the result to other people, and added a few variants for their own tastes.

And I’ve just generated the first 2024 file (yes, this year I’m late with the printing and binding), and realized that it may be worth posting all the variants on this blog, in case somebody else is interested in using them.

The files with -book in the name have been imposed on A4 paper for a 16 pages signature. All of the fonts have been converted to paths, for ease of printing (yes, this means that customizing the font requires running the script, sorry).

A few planners in English:

The same planners, in Italian:

And finally a monthly planner with ephemerids for the town of Como (I mean, everybody everywhere needs one of those, right?); here the --book files are impressed for a 3 sheet (12 pages) signature.

I hereby release all the PDFs linked in this blog post under the CC0 license.

I’ve just realized that the git repository linked above does not have licensing information, but I’m not sure what’s the right thing to do, since it’s mostly a dump of unsupported works-for-me code, but if you need it for something (that is compatible with its unsupported status) other than running it for personal use (for which afaik there is an implicit license) let me know and I’ll push “decide on a license” higher on the stack of things to do :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

per chi se li volesse fare settimanali solo per quando gli serve, una cosina che ci eravamo fatti per noi in casa:
in reply to Oblomov

@oblomov è un problema del mio browser del cell se, cercando di stampare in pdf, non ci fa stare l'ultima riga?
in reply to Oblomov

@oblomov ho dato il comando 'salva come pdf' nel modulo stampa di Vivaldi, altro non so
in reply to Matteo Zenatti

@matz ho fatto una verifica veloce: se salvi come PDF da Vivaldi assicurati che in “More settings" sia impostata la carta giusta (da me sulla stampante seleziona A4 ma sul PDF seleziona Letter) e che i margini non siano a None (che è il default). Altrimenti la riga di credits finisce nell'area non stampabile quando poi stampi il PDF 8-)


#Wearable electronics projects are a recent thing, right? you need LEDs and lightweight batteries and microcontrollers and all of those things, right?


no, I don't have a new project. I don't have a use for an evening dress. And a Worth gown is not something that can be reproduced easily or cheaply.

Milan, 1824. 4 pages of coins in circulation and their values in what I believe are lombardo-venetian lire (decimal) and an older non-decimalized system whose name I don't know. Of course the values of each coins have clean, round numbers such as 13.50 or 1.65

Why am I suddenly thinking of the neatly decimal currency (1 gold coin = 10 silver = 100 copper) of many #RPG games? :D


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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Milano, 1824. 4 pagine di monete in circolazione e i loro valori in quelle che credo siano lire del lombardo-veneto (decimali) e un altro sistema di cui non conosco il nome, non decimale. Ovviamente i valori delle monete sono delle belle cifre tonde come 13.50 o 1.65.

Perché improvvisamente mi vengono in mente i sistemi di monete dei #GdR belli puliti in cui 1 moneta d'oro = 10 monete d'argento = 100 monete di rame? :D


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It's been a while from my last post on behalf of the Department of Unnecessary Projects #DepUnPr

So here is the "UEFI bootable slide show"

An UEFI executable that load tga uncompressed images from disk and display them as a slideshow in loop.

for when you feel the urge to show some photos and you can't wait for a full os to boot up.

(thanks to @Elena ``of Valhalla'' for inspiring this thing.)

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Avviso contenuto: religion, earworm (mostly CW: EARWORM)

that hood made of just squares and rectangles, vaguely inspired by the Skjoldehamn hood (but assembled from different pieces) that has remained on my WIP pile for more than a year because I got the side of the pieces completely wrong?

On Friday I've cut new fabric, and now I'm halfway through the hem, and then it will be finished! And it fits!

(now, the next step of the Project is going to take a lot more time before I even start thinking about doing it, but the (combed?) top (yes, top. not fabric, not yarn) is still in the Stash, not around the house somewhere not really protected from dust)

#sewing #historyBounding

I'm doing some experiments with #tracker3 and #gtk4 model/view machinery.

So, for ease the test of #sparql queries against tracker, here it is Traqlr:

in reply to Fabio

(No repo yet, and, most importantly, no icon!)
in reply to Fabio

Got an icon. Yes, it looks like Tracker's icon, but look: the magnifying glass looks like a Q, with a text cursor. Because you can edit Queries... got it? Queries!


No, still no repo. But now it uses GtkSourceView! How cool! 😎

Diego Roversi reshared this.

Avviso contenuto: misinfo, archeology, ancient Egypt

Piecepack and postcard boxes

Posted on November 4, 2023
An open cardboard box, showing the lining in paper printed with a medieval music manuscript.

Thanks to All Saints’ Day, I’ve just had a 5 days weekend. One of those days I woke up and decided I absolutely needed a cartonnage box for the cardboard and linocut piecepack I’ve been working on for quite some time.

I started drawing a plan with measures before breakfast, then decided to change some important details, restarted from scratch, did a quick dig through the bookbinding materials and settled on 2 mm cardboard for the structure, black fabric-like paper for the outside and a scrap of paper with a manuscript print for the inside.

Then we had the only day with no rain among the five, so some time was spent doing things outside, but on the next day I quickly finished two boxes, at two different heights.

The weather situation also meant that while I managed to take passable pictures of the first stages of the box making in natural light, the last few stages required some creative artificial lightning, even if it wasn’t that late in the evening. I need to build1 myself a light box.

And then decided that since they are C6 sized, they also work well for postcards or for other A6 pieces of paper, so I will probably need to make another one when the piecepack set will be finally finished.

The original plan was to use a linocut of the piecepack suites as the front cover; I don’t currently have one ready, but will make it while printing the rest of the piecepack set. One day :D

an open rectangular cardboard box, with a plastic piecepack set in it.

One of the boxes was temporarily used for the plastic piecepack I got with the book, and that one works well, but since it’s a set with standard suites I think I will want to make another box, using some of the paper with fleur-de-lis that I saw in the stash.

I’ve also started to write detailed instructions: I will publish them as soon as they are ready, and then either update this post, or they will be mentioned in an additional post if I will have already made more boxes in the meanwhile.

  1. you don’t really expect me to buy one, right? :D↩︎

Thanks to a friend who gave me the idea, I've taken this:

saved it as ``hit🗞 .rst``, run the command ``rst2man hit🗞.rst | man -l -`` and I can indeed confirm that #manpages have no issue with #unicode and emoji (at least if your terminal is configured to show them).

(the pastebin urls will self-destruct in a month; I may delete this post at that time, if I remember about it)

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Will the pastebin blast the face of its reader when it will self-destruct? 😜

Avviso contenuto: annuncio immobiliare, varese

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in reply to Fabio


update : #bugReport
upss, this was BS!
I missed the fact that simply ticking the boost button the boost get's "untoggled" and their for deleted,

Anyway, do you plan to create a
bugreport profile or something like that on:

Also, have you thought about pinning a bug report and/or feature request template on your profile like for example:

Questa voce è stata modificata (5 mesi fa)

Dear #historyBounding people,

I still have about half of the red fabric I've used for the shirt, and it may be just enough to make myself a short dress using the pattern I've used for the princess petticoat.

It will have to be shorter, maybe even knee length, and I'm quite sure that there won't be enough for the ruffle, nor for sleeves (or at most they will be really short sleeves), but there may be some fringe that I've accidentally bought in the past when it assaulted me from the haberdashery display.

I have to, right? :D

Some of you may remember that last year I have been #handsewing a shirt in red wool, but by the time I've mostly¹ finished it it was already too warm to be able to wear it significantly.

At least, the Sensible Season seems to have started, and I can wear it!

There will be a blog post. At some unknown time in the future.

a woman walking away from the camera wearing a black long skirt, grey braces, and a red shirt with wide sleeves and a lot of fabric gathered in the middle part of the fitted yoke. The collar is just a collar band, and there is a button in the nape of the neck for a detached collar that is not being worn.

The same, standing still, from the front; there is little fullness above the waistline (where it's tucked in the skirt), and it opens with a button placket in the front with 3 visible buttons.

¹ it does need a few detachable collar and cuffs variants, to style it a bit differently, but those don't prevent me from wearing the shirt as is.

#historyBounding #FreeSoftWear

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

most of the fabric has been cut (I think I still need to cut some facings or small things), all seams lines marked with tailor's tacks.

And then, since this is a modern dress (even if an #historyBounding one), and I have access to a serger, of course I've decided to finish all edges with bias tape, and not pre-made one, since that's too thick, but made from some navy blue cotton voile I had in my stash.

I do have all of the fancy tools to make it easier and faster (bias making devices, and a binding foot for the sewing machine), but today as I was cutting that bias tape I was reconsidering my lifestyle choices a bit :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

la maggior parte della stoffa è stata tagliata (credo che mi manchi qualche pezzo piccolo), e ho segnato tutte le linee di cucitura col filo da imbastire (non mi ricordo come si chiamino in italiano i taylor's tacks).

Dopodiché, dato che sto facendo un vestito moderno (anche se con ispirazioni storiche), e ho modo di mettere le mani su una tagliaecuci, ovviamente ho deciso di rifinire i margini con lo sbieco, e non con quello già pronto, che è troppo spesso, ma facendolo con del voile di cotone blu scuro che avevo in giro.

Ho tutti gli aggeggi che servono per rendere la cosa facile e veloce (i cosi per piegare lo sbieco, e il piedino per applicarlo con la macchina da cucire), ma oggi mentre tagliavo striscie di sbieco ho avuto dei dubbi sulle mie scelte di vita :D

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in reply to Elikorokoros

@Elikorokoros non garantisco niente sulla tempestività, ma ci sarà di sicuro un post sul blog (che arriva anche qui sul fediverso) con dovizia di documentazione fotografica :)

se non fossi orrendamente pigra e/o se avessi un cellulare che fa le foto inizierei già a farne qualcuna, ma al momento non si vede ancora molto :)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

oh, and I've been thinking about the front opening, and it's decided: it's going to be (spiral) laced, not buttoned, for a medieval-ish look.

also, if I find out it's too much of a pain to lace up every time, I can unpick one of the side seams and put a zipper in it.

todo.append("* make a suitably long lace with lucet")

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

ah, e stavo meditando sull'apertura davanti, e ho deciso: sarà chiuso con stringa a spirale, non bottoni, per dare un aspetto vagamente medievaleggiante.

e se poi scopro che allacciarlo tutte le volte è una rottura, posso sempre scucire un fianco, e inserire lì una cerniera.

todo.append("* fare un cordino a lucet abbastanza lungo")

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

TFW you load a new¹ silk thread on the machine and really hope that a) it will work with the machine b) you have enough to finish the dress, since it was bought online.

(the one in the picture is a 50 m spool, but I also have another.)

¹ I've used it before for the garibaldi blouse, but that one was completely sewn by hand. I've used silk thread in the machine before, but it was another brand


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Quella sensazione di quando carichi del filo per cucire di seta nuovo¹ sulla macchina, sperando a) che funzioni per cucire a macchina e b) di averne abbastanza per cucire tutto il vestito, visto che è stato comprato online.

(il rocchetto nella foto è da 50 metri, ma ne ho un altro.)

¹ Ho usato lo stesso filo per la camicia rossa, ma quella è stata cucina interamente a mano. Ho anche già usato del filo di seta per cucire a macchina, ma era di un'altra marca.


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

and it's starting to look like a dress (albeit one covered in a hundred thousand bits of basting thread).

e inizia a sembrare un vestito (anche se coperto da centomila pezzetti di filo per imbastire)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I'm going to finish the arm with piping and bias tape, and now I'm considering whether to baste everything together with relatively short basting stitches and then sew by machine, or just pin it and sew by hand with backstitches and be done with it.

and I strongly believe that life's too short for basting (unless strictly necessary)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Il piano è di rifinire gli scalfi con (non so come si chiami in italiano il piping) e sbieco, e mi sto chiedendo se imbastire il tutto con punti relativamente corti e poi cucire a macchina o se fissare con gli spilli, cucire a mano in modo definitivo e mortalì.

e sono profondamente convinta che la vita sia troppo corta per imbastire (tranne dove è strettamente necessario)

in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

@Rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua sono rifiniti col filo, non con l'occhiello di metallo, e quindi si fanno per forza a mano: contrariamente agli occhielli piatti da bottoni le macchine da cucire base non li possono fare, e non so neanche se ci siano delle macchine da cucire non industriali che li facciano.

Per quelli con l'occhiello di metallo ho le pinze, che sono un passo avanti rispetto a metterli a martellate, ma non la pressa, perché non ho posto in casa per mettercela.

Detto questo, io faccio a mano anche gli occhelli per bottoni, che potrei fare a macchina, per varie ragioni non ultima delle quali il fatto che trovo piacevole farli :)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Io ho una pressetta da banco tipo quella del video, che va bene anche per mettere in sede i cuscinetti, ma devo farci un bel po' di accessori… il che rende obbligatorio l'acquisto di un tornio 😁

in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

@Rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua e hai ben presente quanto spazio occupa il tornio, poi :D le pinze occupano molto meno spazio! :D

(e alla fin fine gli occhielli in metallo li uso molto meno di quelli rifiniti a mano)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

A me serve, e bello ingombrante… perché se c'è un sacco di roba mia gli altri magari si astengono dal portarmi la loro 😄
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

wow, ma tutti a mano?
Quanto ci hai messo?
Conta che io personalmente trovo che anche fare le asole dei bottoni a mano sia un'eternità 😁
in reply to Vi 💙

@Vi 💙 per quelli che ho fatto mentre guardavo video (quindi senza distrazioni significative) ho impiegato circa 10 minuti per occhiello, ma molti li ho fatti un po' per volta mentre stavo facendo altro. In tutto sono 48 occhielli sul davanti, e poi dovrò farne altri 6 in cima agli scalfi (ma il vestito è indossabile anche senza quelli, per ora).

li ho iniziati martedì, dandoci dentro abbastanza (anche grazie al pomeriggio passato in sospeso con le telefonate del dentista che mi annullava l'appuntamento per un emergenza perdita d'acqua e poi me lo ridava perché l'idraulico era arrivato in tempo a risolvere :D ) e facendone quasi metà, ieri ne ho fatti ancora un po' e oggi conto di arrivare alla fine.

E sì, se si conta il tempo totale necessario risulta che ci ho impiegato un'eternità, ma la maggior parte è tempo di relax.

Il singolo occhiello comunque è decisamente più veloce di un'asola per bottoni, perché è con un punto semplice, con con il punto occhielli (ed è anche più piccolo).

Non che io mi sia tirata indietro dal fare, se non ricordo male, 31 occhielli a mano (e 31 bottoni ricoperti di stoffa, per buona misura) su una giacca :D

Invece trovo che le asole fatte a macchina siano una fonte di stress, e le evito :)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

it's almost wearable!

it's missing pockets (there are two gaping holes where the pockets will be, which show the detached pockets I'm wearing under it :D ), a lace to close it up (currently being made on the lucet fork) and some trimming around the neck and armscyes (for which I have ideas that involve weaving, so they may arrive later, after I've used the dress for a while).

And I have enough of the fringed trim that I've used on the hem to also make a belt (or two).

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

È quasi indossabile!

Mancano le tasche (ci sono le due fessure dove andranno, che però si aprono e fanno vedere le tasche staccate che sto indossando sotto al vestito :D ), un laccio per chiuderlo (lo sto facendo con il lucet) e delle decorazioni attorno al collo e agli scalfi (per cui ho delle idee, ma coinvolgono la tessitura, per cui è possibile che arrivino più avanti, quando avrò già indossato il vestito un po' di volte).

E dopo aver messo il bordo con la frangia sull'orlo ne è avanzato abbastanza per fare una cintura (o due).

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@kamikat I've done the first seam and it didn't react in an horribly bad way.

I'll wait until I've finished all of the machine seams before claiming that it's working, however :D

Forgotten Yeast Bread or Pan Sbagliato

Posted on October 29, 2023
a wide and flat round loaf of bread with a well cooked crust

I’ve made it again. And again. And a few more times, and now it has an official household name, “Pan Sbagliato”, or “Wrong Bread”.

And this is the procedure I’ve mostly settled on; starting on the day before (here called Saturday) and baking it so that it’s ready for lunch time (on what here is called Sunday).

Saturday: around 13:00

In a bowl, mix together and work well:
  • 250 g water;
  • 400 g flour;
  • 8 g salt;

cover to rise.

Saturday: around 18:00

In a small bowl, mix together:
  • 2-3 g yeast;
  • 10 g water;
  • 10 g flour.

Saturday: around 21:00

In the bowl with the original dough, add the contents of the small bowl plus:
  • 100 g flour;
  • 100 g water;

and work well; cover to rise overnight.

Sunday: around 8:00

Pour the dough on a lined oven tray, leave in the cold oven to rise.

Sunday: around 11:00

Remove the tray from the oven, preheat the oven to 240°C, bake for 10 minutes, then lower the temperature to 160°C and bake for 20 more minutes.

Waiting until it has cooled down a bit will make it easier to cut, but is not strictly necessary.

the loaf cut in half, to show thin stripes of crumb from the high hydration.

I’ve had up to a couple of hours variations in the times listed, with no ill effects.

Some of you may remember that last year I have been #handsewing a shirt in red wool, but by the time I've mostly¹ finished it it was already too warm to be able to wear it significantly.

At least, the Sensible Season seems to have started, and I can wear it!

There will be a blog post. At some unknown time in the future.

¹ it does need a few detachable collar and cuffs variants, to style it a bit differently, but those don't prevent me from wearing the shirt as is.

#historyBounding #FreeSoftWear

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Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@Kermode I mean, I'm used to Garibaldi's name appearing around every corner here in Italy, and I know he was called hero of the two Worlds (the old and the new, but afaik it was mostly in South America) and that he was quite a celebrity in his time. But I didn't expect a mountain named after him in Canada!

Avviso contenuto: mass shootings, insightful shitpost

On a street I've seen two lost pet announcements: one for a cat named Kitty and one for an unnamed ferret, and now I'm really really hoping that somebody will find that mustelid and force him to marry Kitty!

Sai reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Per strada ho visto due annunci di animali smarriti: un gatto di nome Kitty e un furetto del quale non era specificato il nome, e adesso sto sperando caldamente che qualcuno trovi quel mustelide e lo costringa a sposare Kitty!

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Secondo me il mustelide sta inseguendo Kitty chiamandola "chéri" 😁

Wooops, apparently I've been writting in the Void for a couple of days, except that the Void was carefully storing everything I had written to be ready to send it to the right recipients as soon as asked.

Sorry for the flood :D

Oblomov reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Infatti notavo delle discrepanze con l'ora del toot: non è che sei su GMT, visto che arrivano da 2 ore nel passato?
in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

@Rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua no, no, questo post era stato scritto poco prima delle 10 di stamattina, ma ci sono volute un paio di ore prima che tutta la coda di messaggi vecchi arrivasse ad essere spedita in giro.

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TIL: #valentina (the pattern drafting software) now has a manual layout component that generates pattern PDFs that are much nicer than the automatic ones, and closer to what one expects from a bought pattern (including registration marks and watermarks with a logo or text).
in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

@Rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua crocine / crocette non sono i segni di riferimento per il taglio (che mi pareva di aver sentito chiamare crocini, però, anche)?
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Il termine corretto è "crocini di registro" per quelli che servono per centrare i colori (nell'immagine di esempio NON sono centrati!) e "crocini di taglio" per quelli per tagliare.

Waking up thought of this morning¹:

“Higher than the sun” describe the earth every year for a time centered on December-ish when the sun is in Sagittarius² and thus between us and the center of the galaxy, right?

¹ actually, it was still the middle of the night, I woke up briefly and went back to sleep
² wait, while writing this I've just been reminded of the precession of the equinoxes, so it's actually centered in january-ish

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Pensiero al risveglio di stamattina¹:

“più in alto del sole” descrive la terra ogni anno per un periodo di tempo centrato più o meno su dicembre quando il sole è in sagittario² e quindi tra di noi e il centro della galassia, giusto?

¹ in realtà di quando mi sono svegliata brevemente che era ancora notte fonda, per poi tornare a dormire
² no, mentre scrivevo mi son ricordata della precessione degli equinozi, quindi centrato da qualche parte attorno a gennaio o giù di lì

in reply to Fabio

@Fabio non che io l'abbia letta per intero (ancora :D ), ho fatto passare un po' di pagine.

forse qualche affermazione corretta la fa. forse :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Fabio e non glie ne si può fare una colpa, eh.

è più una considerazione su come faccia impressione quanto certe cose di linguistica che oggi sembrano universalmente note e scontate siano scoperte relativamente recenti

/me, puts away a pair of linen detachable cuffs, sees her cozy, warm, flannel 1880s shirt.

is it winter yet? and yet? and yet? and…

Oblomov reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

* ripone nell'armadio un paio di polsini di lino separati, vede la camicia di flanella morbida e calda in stile 1880.

è arrivato l'inverno? eh? eh? e adesso, è arrivato?

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

25.5°C in officina.

Col ventilatore puntato in faccia si sta abbastanza bene.

in reply to Oblomov

@Oblomov @Rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua alla fine di agosto non c'è un'occasione “ufficiale” per andare in giro in costume (non che io abbia piani quest'anno di andare a Lucca, ma se volessi andarci, dovrei preoccuparmi di gestire le temperature col costume, e io non ci andrei col costume da uomo nudo :D )

quindi evidentemente agosto e ottobre non sono la stessa cosa!

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Kermode that's probably¹ lower than I've ever experienced in my life :D

¹ I've had exactly one experience of -18°C, so maybe on that night I've also met a -19°C, hence the probably

Unknown parent

@fabrixxm c'è anche chi fa sesso con vampiri e zombie
Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@LaVi 🕊️📚🐈 @Fabio beh, dai, se sei in vacanza e devi prendere un treno solo (niente coincidenze) alla fine se anche il treno fa 20 minuti di ritardo te ne accorgi il giusto, non è che devi timbrare il biglietto.

/me, playing a game of 0ad and looking at the random factions: “oh, it's civil war between Syrians, and my Syrian allies have asked the help of the Roman empire against the yellow Syrians”

@Diego Roversi “fools”

/me, looking and how my ally still has more or less their initial corner of the map, while my territory has been enlarged significantly “you're not wrong”

TIL: if you put thread on both sides of the sewing machine, things you've sewn keep together better :D
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

TIL: se metti il filo da entrambe le parti della macchina da cucire, le cose che hai cucito stanno assieme meglio

barfly reshared this.

This week I haven't complained about #handsewing with plastic thread yet, right?

well, now I'm complaining about handsewing plastic fabric with plastic thread when there is even a layer of mylar safety blanket under the fabric.

but binding the edges with a machine seam and then handsewing it on the back is so much neater than trying to stitch in the ditch by machine!


in reply to springy donkey herder

@donkey herder a roll for cards (ID, driver license, etc.), the mylar blanket is there to make it harder to read them remotely (it's not perfect, but it should help reducing the distance the reader has to be to work).

I'm using some leftovers of cordura from my backpack lining, and sew-all thread.

Quando ti sembra che l'applicativo web che stai sviluppando sia troppo lento a rispondere, e ti disperi, non sai più dove mettere le mani e non ti senti all'altezza del compito...

apri il sito di youtube.

Nei 15 secondi che ci mette a caricarsi ritroverai tutta la fiducia in te stesso.

Chickpea Crackers

Posted on September 20, 2023
A flatbread, prescored into small portions, but still in one piece on top of a plate and overflowing to the side (it's about 10 cm × 30 cm or so). A side is thin and more browned, the other side is a bit thicker and paler.

And another half-written article I had in my repo. (Am I doing #FallFinishAlong with blog articles instead of / in addition to craft projects? it feels so).

I was in need of snacks. I wanted something bready, but with a bit less carbs and more proteins. I had a bag of chickpea flour.

Ingredients were:

  • 100 g wheat flour
  • 100 g chickpea flour
  • 100 g water
  • 3 g salt
  • 1 g dry yeast

Mix everything as usual for bread, leave to rise for 4-6 hours.

Divide in 4 parts, roll them out to a thickness of about 1 – 2 mm, prick them with a fork (or the fancy cracker pricking tool that you don’t really need but I may have bought).

Optionally spray with a bit of water and sprinkle with salt (coarse or flake is best).

Preheat the oven to 240°C and cook for 5 minutes, or preheat the oven to 210°C and cook for 10 minutes for a dryer version.

I’ve tried both cooking temperatures: the 210°C had the big advantage of being the same as the common bread I was already making, so no additional oven time was required (it was summer. this was a consideration.), but I’m not sure which version I like best, so I think in winter I will alternate between the two.

Put it in a cotton (linen?) bag and keep it in a dry place, where it will keep for weeks (assuming you’ve made a bigger batch :D ).

This is now part of my staples.

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Nathan Lövsund 🐒 🚀 mine aren't extremely crispy (like commercial crackers) either, more like homemade crackers.

Nice idea using sourdough, I should also try it one day!

somebody on tumblr wrote:

“stories can resonate with you even when the characters are nothing like you’ is something a 6 year old would understand but it needs to be explained to fandom adults on tumblr”

Avviso contenuto: thinking of the roman empire

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in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

Avviso contenuto: pensare all'impero romano

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Avviso contenuto: pensare all'impero romano

Installing minidlna

Posted on September 19, 2023
I’ve found the draft of this article I almost completely wrote (checks) more than 3 months ago, and I guess it’s time to finish and publish it.

The very first A10 based device that entered our home, before they started to use it for SBCs, was a Chinese media server with a slot for a 3.5" hard disk and a few analogue audio outputs.

Of course from the time it entered our home it has always been running Debian.

Now that we may have a few, more powerful, A20 SBCs available, it has been fully dedicated to music: it is connected to the stereo, the hard disk has a clone of the git-annex repository where I’ve ripped all of my CDs1 and is played by connecting via ssh and running alsaplayer.

It’s simple (for my tastes). it works. Unless you’re in a different room than the one with the stereo.

And then I read this post on the fediverse that suggested installing minidlna on an old Raspberry Pi, and on a whim I decided I needed it.

I installed the package from Debian, set a few easy settings in the configuration file (such as which directories to serve), restarted the service.

And that’s it, it just worked.

The only thing I had to take care about is that to use git-annex repositories as the source of media files either the root of the repository should be used as media-dir, or the wide_links options should be set to yes, otherwise the symbolic links that point outside of the media-dir won’t be served.

As a client I used VLC (note for myself in case I ever forget, it’s under View → Playlist and then Local Network → Universal Plug ‘n’ Play), mostly because I already had it around.

Now that I’ve used it for a few months I have to say that it isn’t a perfect solution: the main format I store my music in is in flac 2, which isn’t supported by dlna; for a significant part of it I’ve also already generated single-song ogg files for convenience 3, and at least it works for those.

I don’t store (yet?) my video collection on the A10 device, but I did a quick test, and no, of course a raw dump of a DVD as generated by dvdbackup isn’t supported, so I would have to convert those too. And there is some support for subtitles as a separate file (which is something else I tend to have around), but only one file, with strict requirements for the name, which is a bit restrictive.

On the other hand, the hassle to set this up was so low that the functionality / hassle ratio is most definitely worth, and I’m quite happy I did and plan to continue using it.

  1. (yes, I’m still using CDs, I have objections to those newfangled streaming services)↩︎
  2. full CD rip in a single file, with an embedded cuesheet, to preserve as much as possible of the original disc.↩︎
  3. in theory the flac was supposed to be future-proof storage, with the ogg files for actual use, but then I always listen to full albums, so the flac just work, and I only tend to bother generating the ogg when I’m already generating mp3 for the car.↩︎

Inspired by the excellent UI for emergency alerts on smartphones, @Fabio had the idea to write a new phone interface: Launcher Ultima

It's an isometric RPG, to make a call you have to find a phone box, to answer an incoming a call you need to be close to the *right* phone box (and of course there are multiple ones).

The address book is, as the name suggests, a book. Or rather multiple books, spread out around the whole world.

And if you receive an emergency alert a huge red face appears on top of the screen, and *loudly* reads the text of the alert.

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Daniele Tricoli
con tanto di boss da sconfiggere prima di poter leggere uno dei tanti libri in cui è suddivisa la rubrica, giusto?
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Elena ``of Valhalla''
@LaVi 🕊️📚🐈 @Fabio tranne che nei luoghi di rilevanza sociale: ospedali, carceri, interfacce per telefoni :D

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